10 November 2008

Always a choice?

Sharon Jayson of USA Today has an interesting piece analyzing the pros and cons of earlier vs later marriage. Median age for first marriage is almost at 26 for women, and almost 28 for men. This represents an almost 5 year gain (for both genders) in that median since the early 1960s. Jayson points to the desire for personal development, economic stability /career advancement as reasons for the shift.

I have no issues with the statistics; I have a bit of an issue with the tone. The article seems to indicate that people are consciously choosing to get married at a later age. What if that is not the case, and people are either unable, unwilling, or unprepared to put themselves in places of meeting the marriagable sort? What if the equation is backwards...it's not that people are waiting, it's that no one is sure where or how to find the sort of people they want to marry?

Perhaps the 20-somethings of the Odyssey generation cohort are adept at finding hookup "partners" but not so skilled at finding life partners?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually have issues with asking what's the optimum age? it's fine to analyze the past trends. but marriage is a sacred bond. the perfect time to form the bond is when million factors are in perfect harmony. for me this was at the age of 19 but that is certainly no indication of the "perfect" age. aside from the statistical value (which still needs to be examined), the rest of the article is of little value to me. thanks for pointing out...

November 10, 2008 12:18 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I didn't realize that I needed to check back so often:-) It is an interesting discussion, but I'm not sure there is a one-sized answer to the "optimal" question. I, for one, have always wanted to get married, but be it sociological reasons or poor directions, at 34 I have yet to find any interested partners. So where does that leave me... too far down the individualism trail? Possibly, but I also know that I believe God is directing my steps, so I have to trust that marriage (or not) will come in His timing. So there is a perspective from the "too late" end of the spectrum.

November 13, 2008 11:17 PM  

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