11 December 2008


1. My point, exactly. When both the far right and the far left are antsy, it means good things for the prospect of centrist governing.

2. The new Metro homepage is beautiful.

3. Much has been said recently about Illinois governor Rod I'm-Bad-at-Being-Corrupt Blagojevich. However, I think many people have skipped over the real story here: his resemblance to Janet Reno.

05 December 2008

Not so dumb after all

Michael Gerson had an excellent op-ed in Thursday's Washington Post on the necessity of governing from the center:

"The candidate of "change" is discovering what many presidents before him have found: On numerous issues, the range of responsible policy options is narrow. And the closer you come to the Oval Office, the wiser your predecessors appear."

Hmmmm. To all those who are petrified of Obama in the White House, Gerson has some excellent points. Of course, there will be policy decisions that those on the righter-than-you-and-those-other-not-right-enough-people fringe will not accept. C'est la vie. The point is that the crazies on the left aren't exactly impressed with Obama, considering his Cabinet picks. I think that's a good sign of balance.

And now for something completely different: LOLFeds. Take one of my most favorite things (lolcats) and combine them with a credit crunch disaster, and I CAN HAZ LAFFS. That simple, folks, that simple.