24 August 2010

200,000 Years of Satire

I picked up this article while on vacation a few days ago and found it amusing. Until I realized they were serious.

How to Find Love in a World of Hookups
GLAMOUR (June 2010)
"It's taken womankind 200,000 years to finally be able to have no-strings, no-guilt sex. But what happens when you start wanting more? We've cracked the code to figure out how you can have your fun — and your happy ending, too."

Allow me a few questions for the author and believers of such an article:
  • Do you think, perchance, that the previous 200,000 of with-strings with-guilt premarital sex might have held, I don't know, maybe one or two clues as to why it's so difficult to have your cake (hooking up) and eat it too (monogamous lifelong marriage)?
  • Are we admitting that young women, ahem, actually might want more than perpetually hooking up? How does that fit with the oh-so-empowered I-don't-need-men-but-I'm-going-to-act-just-like-them superwomen of the late 20th century?
  • Does this article match anyone's real life experience? Granted, the author quotes real life 20-somethings (most of whom seem kinda confused) but she also helpfully showcases Samantha Jones as an example of relational clarity. Not sure what to do with that.